The a.c. and d.c. conductivities are reported for single crystals of the partially oxidised metal-atom chain compounds K2Pt(CN)4Cl0·32,2·6H2O and K2Pt(CN)4Br0·30,2·3H2O For d.c. fields of < 120 V cm–1 the initial conductivity in the direction of the metal-atom chain is 10–4Ω–1 cm–1 but this decreases with time to 10–6Ω–1 cm–1. The conductivity in the direction perpendicular to the metal atom chains is 100 times lower. The a.c. conductivity is similar to those measured using d.c. potentials. The application of a d.c. field of > 120 V cm–1 in the direction of the metal-atom chain induces an oxidation–reduction reaction which commences at the anode and spreads through the crystal to the cathode; the product of the reaction is K2Pt(CN)4,2H2O in a polycrystalline form.