Specificity of afferent and efferent regeneration in the cockroach: establishment of a reflex pathway between contralaterally homologous target cells

1. In 132 cockroaches the main leg nerve on one side (right), of the metathoracic segment was crossed to the opposite (left) side and allowed to regenerate. In 3-8 wk, 59% of the animals displayed reflex activity in the left leg (behaviorally demonstrated by leg withdrawal following tarsal stimulation). 2. EMGs from the femoral extensor revealed potentials characteristic of normal activity in the extensor, which is innervated by an identified motor neuron, Ds. 3. Intracellular recordings from processes within the right hemiganglion of the metathoracic ganglion (CNS) demonstrated 1:1 activity between a unit in the CNS recording and the EMG of the left extensor. Subsequent intracellular staining revealed that the unit was on the right side of the CNS and was identified as motor neuron Ds by the location of its soma and dendrites. This finding indicated that specific, contralateral, efferent reinnervation occurs in the cockroach. 4. In normal cockroaches a monosynaptic reflex exists between hair plate afferents and Ds. A temporal analysis (stimulus-interval histogram) indicated that the reflex is also established in the crossed-regenerated animals. These data suggested that specific contralateral afferent reinnervation also occurs in the cockroach and that the monosynaptic nature of the normal reflex was reestablished. 5. Therefore, cell-to-cell specificity in neuron-to-neuron or neuron-to-muscle interactions not only occurs in normally developing or regenerating animals but also occurs between contralaterally homologous target cells, given the proper experimental conditions. It is also suggested that this experimental procedure of redesigning pathways may be a useful tool for further studies of behavior.