Structure of OrthorhombicV0.95Cr0.05O2

A structure determination of the orthorhombic phase of V0.95 Cr0.05 O2 based on powder data indicates that the probable space group is F222 and the room-temperature lattice parameters are ao=13.015 Å, bo=12.597 Å, and co=5.795 Å. The structure represents a distortion of the tetragonal rutile structure of high-temperature (T>68 C) V2 O4 having cell parameters ara022bo22 and cr12c0. The orthorhombic cell contains 16(V0.95Cr0.05)2 O4. There are four distinguishable c-axis chains of edge-shared octahedra: Cations V1 in 4a and V2 in 4b occupy alternate positions of one chain, the V1-O separations being nearly uniform (1.895 Å), whereas the V2-O distances along bo are shorter (1.85 Å) and the four others are longer (2. 04 Å). Cations V3 in 8j and V4 in 8i exhibit antiferroelectric displacements along half the c-axis chains, and cations V5 from V5-V5 pairs along the fourth c-axis chain. The relationship of this structure to the semiconductor-to-metal transition in VO2 is discussed.

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