K±-Proton Elastic Cross Sections at 180° from 0.41 to 0.72GeVc

The K±p elastic scattering was measured in a small angular region near 180° (0.995cosθ*1.0) at six momenta from 0.41 to 0.72 GeVc. The forward-scattered protons were detected with scintillation counters and identified by time-of-flight measurements. The K+p elastic differential cross section at 180° is found to be essentially constant with a value near 0.9 mb/sr. The sum of the P-wave phase shifts (2δ32+δ12) is found to be negative in this momentum region. The K elastic differential cross section is found to dip to a minimum (0±0.2 mb/sr) at 0.66 GeVc.