The effects of cross‐innervation on the myoglobin concentration of tonic and phasic muscles

The myoglobin concentrations of m. soleus and m. flexor digitorum longus (F.D.L.) were estimated spectrophotometrically in normal cats. In another group of cats the nerves to m. soleus and F.D. L. were self-united in one limb and cross-united in the opposite limb and the myoglobin concentrations of m. soleus and F.D.L. in both limbs were estimated 6 months later. After self-union of the nerves the F.D.L./ soleus myoglobin ratio was not significantly different from that of normal cats. After cross-union of the nerves the F.D.L./soleus myoglobin ration was significantly greater than that of both normal cats and cats after self-union of their nerves.