A 1013/s 14 MeV neutron generator for cancer therapy

A high output D-T neutron generator is being developed at Sandia National Laboratories as a cancer therapy tool. Preliminary results have been obtained with a high vacuum deuterium accelerator consisting of a duopigatron ion source, single stage accelerator, and a scandium occluder target. The ion source and accelerating system have been optimized to reliably focus a 200 mA, 200 kV deuterium ion beam onto the scandium target 1.5 m away with a beam spot size of 10−3m2. The scandium target degrades due to implantation of impurities from the unbaked vacuum system. A UHV accelerator is being fabricated which will permit a 450 °C bakeout to alleviate the impurity problem. This system will also be compatible with the use of tritium, a necessary component of the therapy machine.