Liver Affection in Iron Overload Studied with Serum Ferritin and Serum Aminotransferases

Liver dysfunction as measured by S-ALAT [serum alanine aminotransferase] activity was present in 72% of patients > 40 yr of age with HLA-related Fe overload [hemochromatoses] mainly detected by laboratory screening. Liver dysfunction was correlated to the amount of Fe stored (r = 0.54, P < 0.001). When Fe was removed by phlebotomy, liver function returned to normal. S-ALAT activity was closely correlated to serum ferritin concentration (r = 0.73, P < 0.001). Even a mild Fe excess can affect hepatocytes and result in increased levels of ferritin and aminotransferases in serum. Patients with "transaminitis" should be investigated for Fe overload.