Transverse closure domains and the behavior of the magnetization in grain-oriented polycrystalline magnetic sheets

A theory is proposed to explain the behavior of the initial magnetization curves I(H) of polycrystalline grain‐oriented ferromagnetic materials by taking into account the properties of transverse closure domains lowering the magnetostatic energy of samples. The effects due to the collapse of these domain structures with increasing H are shown to be of relevance in determining the actual shape of the I(H) curve in the intermediate field region 5×102 A/m≲H≲104 A/m, both in the absence and in the presence of applied stresses. The results of measurements of I(H) in Fe‐Si sheets with high texture perfections are reported. These results are in very good agreement with the present theory. Finally, a new method is proposed to obtain information on either the grains dispersion in grain‐oriented materials or on the volume of the transverse domains by performing only magnetic measurements.