Origin of energetic cosmic rays. III. One-dimensional diffusion from random sources

For pt.II see ibid., vol.7, no.3, 437 (1974). The model of cosmic ray propagation by one-dimensional diffusion along randomly wandering field lines proposed by Jones in 1971 is developed by considering the effect of random discrete sources on the concentration, anisotropy and mean age of cosmic rays along a line of magnetic flux. This mode of propagation is taken to be valid in the energy range 1011 eV to 1014 eV. The experimental information on the galactic anisotropy, mean age and constancy of the cosmic ray flux is briefly stated. The probability of our being at a time in the earth's cosmic ray history when the fluctuating anisotropy is by chance at its relatively low observed value is evaluated for a number of values of the parameters of propagation.