Translationally invariant coupled cluster theory for simple finite systems

The widely used coupled cluster method (CCM) in quantum many-body theory has recently provided very accurate descriptions of a large number of extended systems. Although its earlier applications to closed-shell and neighboring finite nuclei were also very successful, they have been shrouded in algebraic and technical complexity. Furthermore, they are difficult to compare with more traditional calculations of generalized shell-model theory since, at least at the important level of two-body correlations, they have been largely implemented in relative-coordinate space rather than the more usual oscillator configuration space. The CCM is reviewed here in the precise context of applications to simple finite systems. Special attention is paid to formulate it in such a way that comparison may be made with generalized shell-model or configuration-interaction (CI) theories. Particular regard is paid to an exact incorporation of translational invariance, so that any spuriosity associated with the center-of-mass motion is always avoided. An important side benefit is that the number of many-body configurations in the usual oscillator basis is dramatically reduced. We are thereby able to present both CI and CCM calculations on He4 up to the essentially unprecedented level of 60ħω in oscillator excitation energy, for two popular and quasirealistic choices of the nucleon-nucleon interaction for which exact Monte Carlo results are available for this nucleus. Although even our simplest approximations attain about 95% of the total binding energy, the convergence in the oscillator configuration space is shown to be both very slow and of a complicated nonuniform nature. Strong implications are drawn for standard implementations of generalized shell-model techniques for heavier nuclei.