The 2 cases reported emphasize the dissimilarity of signs and X-ray appearance encountered in pulmonary aspergillosis. The first case was that of a young woman who developed an oval shaped lesion in the left upper lobe with a thin aerated crescent overlying its superior surface. Left upper lobectomy was performed to control repeated hemoptyses. The specimen revealed an oval shaped bronchiectatic cyst filled by a laminated clot which consisted of a dense network of mycelia and spores resembling Aspergillus. The 2d case was that of a 62-yr-old farmer who, on roentgenographic examination following a hemoptysis, showed a bilateral hilar infiltration with a fuzzy border, radiating to the apices and base. Round densities with rarefied centers were noted in the peripheral left lung areas. Post-mortem study revealed a combination of interstitial and parenchymatous type of aspergillosis, with extensive occlusion of pulmonary vessels by thrombi and intra-vascular growth of the fungus. The latter was identified as A. fumigatus.