Specific Immune Adherence Assay for Human Hepatitis A Antibody. Application to Diagnostic and Epidemiologic Investigations

A specific immune adherence (IA) test for hepatitis A antibody in human serum was described employing liver extract of marmosets infected with CR326 strain human hepatitis A virus. Persons with hepatitis A, but not hepatitis B, developed hepatitis A IA antibody soon after onset of the acute illness and this persisted thereafter. There was very close agreement in the tests for human hepatitis A immune adherence, complement fixing (CF) and neutralizing antibodies. IA antibodies appeared to develop somewhat later than CF or neutralizing antibody. A limited epidemiologic study of a family outbreak of hepatitis A and B in Costa Rica showed simultaneous occurrence of the two diseases and was supportive of the concept that susceptible persons in a country with high hepatitis A prevalence generally acquire their infections at an early age and are immune thereafter. Most persons of high socioeconomic level in an area of low hepatitis A incidence may proceed to adulthood without experience with hepatitis A. Person of low socioeconomic level, however, such as commercial blood bank donors and prisoners, show high incidence of hepatitis A antibody. Hepatitis IA and CF antibodies persisted in human subjects for at least 7 hr after hepatitis A virus infection. Captive chimpanzees and grivet and rhesus monkeys, not given hepatitis A virus, showed evidence of previous experience with human hepatitis A or an antigenically related virus based on tests for hepatitis A antibody. Other subhuman primates, rodents, and swine, not given hepatitis A virus, were without hepatitis A antibody. The IA test provides an excellent tool for diagnostic and epidemiologic investigations of hepatitis A and should be of considerable value to detect hepatitis A virus in attempts to propagate the virus in cell culture. There was considerable difference in hepatitis A IA antibody content of different lots of commercial human immune globulin, though the majority titered 1:4000 or 1:8000.