We consider here a relativistic generalization of a field-theoretic model of composite hadrons with quarks as constituents proposed earlier. The quarks are assumed to occupy fixed energy levels in hadrons at rest, with the hadron mass being given additively in terms of the quark energies. These quark field operators for hadrons at rest are next Lorentz-boosted to describe hadrons in motion, using the fact that quark operators are Dirac field operators with known transformation properties. Static properties of baryons are utilized to estimate the quark-field-operator parameters. The Dirac Hamiltonian for the quark field operators also has a nonvanishing expression for quark-pair-creation processes. The covariant generalization of this Hamiltonian is used to describe strong-interaction vertices. The quark-field-operator parameters and the harmonic-oscillator wave function are next utilized to describe quantitatively the pion-nucleon coupling constant, as well as N*Nπ, ρ2π, φ2K and K*Kπ. The results agree with experimental values reasonably well, indicating that the above Hamiltonian may be the dynamical origin of the three-particle vertices of hadronic strong interactions as well as an explanation of the Okubo-Zweig-Iizuka rule.