A method for the detn. of Zn65 in animal tissues, based on that described by Gettler and Bastian for the detn. of Zn in normal human tissues, is described. The recovery of added Zn65 is usually 95-100%, the mean of 29 detns. being 96.5% (s.d. [plus or minus] 2.6%). Following the intraven. injn. into rabbits of Zn65. containing Zn carbonate or phosphate, or a Zn dithizone complex, half or nearly half the injected Zn was found in the lungs 45 min. after the injn. of the carbonate or phosphate. Small amts. only were present in the liver and kidneys. About 80% of the injected Zn dithizone complex was present in the lungs after 24 hrs., and over 50% remained there 10 days after the injn. The livers contained small amts. only (1.4-5.3%) of the injected Zn.