Gamma Rays from keV Resonance Neutron Capture in Some (2s1d)-Shell Nuclei

The γ-ray spectra from radiative neutron capture in resolved resonances in F, Na, Mg, Al, S and from some unresolved resonances in Cl were measured with a NaI total-absorption spectrometer. Both positive-and negative-parity capturing resonances were studied, and from the simple spectra that were observed it was possible to obtain a number of branching ratios. On the basis of known final-state parities, E1 and M1 transition strengths were obtained. These were in good agreement with those of other nuclides in this region of atomic weight, thus establishing that with no outstanding exceptions, M1 competes favorably with E1 for these nuclides. An empirical rule, valid at least for neutrons of keV energy and lower, seems to operate in the case of the sd-shell nuclides: The ratio of radiation strengths M1E1 is greater for odd-Z-even-N target nuclides (101) than it is for even-Z-even-N target nuclides (∼102).