Dacrydium Sol. ex Lamb. emend. de Laub. is redefined to include only those species belonging to section B (Florin 1931; de Laubenfels 1969). The remaining species are assigned to Lepidothamnus Phil. (two species from New Zealand, one from Chile). Lagarostrobos gen. nov. (one species from New Zealand. one from Tasmania) and Halocarpus gen. nov. (three species from New Zealand). Ovule orientation, one of the main character-states used to define Dacrydium s.l., is reexamined and shown to be in accord with the new taxonomic arrangement. Lepidothamnus fonkii Phil. is reinstated and seven new combinations are made, viz. Lepidotharnnus intermedius (T. Kirk) C. J. Quinn, L. laxifolius (Hook. f.) C. J. Quinn, Halocarpus bidwillii (Hook. f. exT. Kirk) C. J. Quinn, H. biformis (Hook.) C. J . Quinn, H. kirkii (F. Muell. ex Parl.) C. J. Quinn, Lagarostrobos colensoi (Hook.) C. J . Quinn and L. franklinii (Hook. f.) C. J. Quinn. A key to the genera in the Podocarpaceae is also given.