Common structural features of the genes for two stable RNAs fromHalobacterium halobium

The genes coding for the 5S rRNA and another stable RNA, termed 7S RNA, in Halobacterium halobium were isolated from a genomic library of this archaebacterium and their nucleotide sequences determined. Both genes are colinear with their transcripts (5S rRNA and 7S RNA), but 5S rRNA and possibly also 7S RNA isolated from other halobacteria carry additional nucleotides within the RNA transcript. Both genes are located in the G+C rich chromosomal fraction I of H. halobium. Comparison of the 3′ non-coding regions of both genes shows a 20 bp sequence of high homology immediately at the 3 ends which is almost symmetrically flanked by two stem-loop structures, one being situated close to the 3 end but within the coding region and the other downstream of the common 20 bp sequence.