Swiss Webster mice were infected with either the relatively virulent C56 strain or the relatively avirulent C37 strain of Toxoplasma gondii, and the sequence of their antibody response to surface antigens of the parasite was studied. An immunoglobulin M (IgM) agglutinating antibody was the first serologically detectable antibody and was first detected on day 2 in mice infected with the C37 strain and on day 5 in mice infected with the C56 strain. IgG antibodies were first detected on day 8 for both strains. The major component of the IgG antibodies was IgG2:IgG3 antibodies had lower titers, and no IgG1 antibodies were detected. The IgG antibodies were active in direct parasite agglutination and in the complement-dependent cytotoxicity assay of Sabin and Feldman (Science 108:660-663, 1948). On sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, sera from mice infected with T. gondii detected all major radioiodinated surface proteins of toxoplasma tachyzoites. The earliest time point at which these antigens were detected differed for the two strains. Serum from mice infected with C56 strain immunoprecipitated all cell surface antigens by day 10 of infection, whereas serum from mice infected with the C37 strain did not do so until day 15 of infection.