Unilateral Seborrheic Dermatitis Following a Nerve Lesion

We believe that the following case is of interest for two reasons: first, because seborrheic dermatitis is rarely confined to a nerve distribution and only a small number of cases have been recorded; second, because this case may shed some light on the fundamental nature of seborrheic dermatitis in general. REPORT OF A CASE A woman aged 42 years was admitted to the National Hospital for Nervous Diseases on Jan. 27, 1953, under the care of Dr. Michael Kremer, complaining of headache for 18 months and failing vision in the right eye for one year. Her memory and powers of concentration had been failing for the past few years. She was found to be vague and unobservant about her symptoms, but there was no evidence of intellectual impairment. Primary optic atrophy was present in the right eye, and the eye was slightly proptosed. There was slight