This study examines the extent to which the thermodynamic interactions between the midlatitude atmosphere and the underlying oceanic mixed layer contribute to the low-frequency atmospheric variability. A general circulation model, run under perpetual northern winter conditions, is coupled to a motionless constant-depth mixed layer in midlatitudes, while elsewhere the sea surface temperature (SST) is kept fixed; interannual tropical SST forcing is not included. It is found that coupling does not modify the spatial organization of the variability. The influence of coupling is manifested as a slight reddening of the spectrum of 500-mb geopotential height and a significant enhancement of the lower-tropospheric thermal variance over the oceans at very low frequencies by virtue of the mixed-layer adjustment to surface air temperature variations that occurs on those timescales. This adjustment effectively reduces the thermal damping of the atmosphere associated with surface heat fluxes (or negative oceanic feedback), thus increasing the thermal variance and the persistence of circulation anomalies. In studying the covariability between ocean and atmosphere it is found that the dominant mode of natural atmospheric variability is coupled to the leading mode of SST in each ocean, with the atmosphere leading the ocean by about one month. The cross-correlation function between oceanic and atmospheric anomalies is strongly asymmetric about zero lag. The SST structures are consistent with direct forcing by the anomalous heat fluxes implied by the concurrent surface air temperature and wind fluctuations. Additionally, composites based on large amplitude SST anomaly events contain no evidence of direct driving of atmospheric perturbations by these SST anomalies. Thus, in terms of the spatial organization of the covariability and the evolution of the coupled system from one regime to another, large-scale air–sea interaction in the model is characterized by one-way atmospheric forcing of the mixed layer. These results are qualitatively consistent with those from an earlier idealized study. They imply a subtle but fundamental role for the midlatitude oceans as stabilizing rather than directly generating atmospheric anomalies. It is argued that this scenario is relevant to the dynamics of extratropical atmosphere–ocean coupling on intraseasonal timescales at least: the model is able to qualitatively reproduce the temporal and spatial characteristics of the observed dominant patterns of interaction on these timescales, particularly over the Atlantic.