RVB States for Tow-Dimensional Antiferromagnets

The ground states of the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on the triangular and square lattices are discussed with use of the combinatorial method on the basis of Anderson's RVB (resonating-valence-bond) variational wave-function. Some properties of RVB states are studied systematically for finite system-size N up to 20 and are compared to the exact values. For the triangular lattice the estimated energy value E RVB =-2.08 is closer to the exact value than that of the spin-wave theory. The value E RVB =-2.36 is estimated for the square lattice. For the square lattice our RVB state is closer to the exact ground state than the Néel state is in the sense of a wave-function. The dimer problem has a close relation to RVB states and is used to count exactly the number of singlet-pair configurations.