Bone metastases from breast cancer at the time of radical mastectomy as detected by bone scan.Eight-year follow-up

Sixty-four women with Stage II breast cancer who had Sr85 bone scans at the time of radical mastectomy were followed for 8 years in a prospective study. Those women with positive scans had a slight, but statistically significant, increased incidence of metastatic disease, particularly for metastases to bone. However, 40% of those women with positive bone scans and negative roentgenograms survived 8 years without evidence of any metastatic disease. Therefore, it has not been shown at this time that bone scans should be obtained in order to exclude bone metastasis before regional therapy for breast cancer is instituted. Also, a significant percentage of women with negative bone scans developed both bone and soft tissue metastases. As many as 30% of asymptomatic women with a history of breast cancer and positive bone scans and negative bone roentgenograms may still harbor disease in bone after 8 years.