Noise spectra of the in-phase and quadrature-phase components of the signal and idler fields of a nondegenerate optical parametric amplifier are calculated. It is shown that, as is suggested by the operator Manley-Rowe relations, the external in-phase (amplitude) fluctuations of the signal and idler fields are correlated in the frequency region lower than the signal and idler cavity bandwidths. If the idler photon flux is continuously measured and the photocurrent fluctuations are fed back to control the pump intensity, the signal output will feature an amplitude noise spectral density reduced to below the standard quantum limit (amplitude squeezing) in the frequency region below the feedback loop and signal and idler cavity bandwidths. An all-optical realization of such a negative-feedback parametric oscillator is presented. It is also shown that a nondegenerate parametric amplifier with idler measurement feedback can add a fixed number of photons to a photon-number state.