A modification of the Fermi contact interaction is proposed in which the nuclear moment is represented by a uniformly magnetized spherical shell of radius r0. In effect, the delta function δ(r) in the Fermi Hamiltonian is replaced by δ(rr0). The Schrödinger equation for a hydrogenlike system thus perturbed is exactly solvable in terms of the Coulomb Green's function. Negative energy eigenvalues have the form Eν=Z22ν2, with ν a nonintegral quantum number. An asymptotic formula is derived for the quantum defect δ=νn. The l=0 eigenfunctions are multiples of the Whittaker functions: Mν,12(2Zrν) for r<r0 and Wν,12(2Zrν) for r>r0. Explicit forms are given by expansion of the Whittaker functions to first order in quantum defect. In the limit r00 results pertaining to the original Fermi Hamiltonian are approached. It is shown that a repulsive delta function maintains the unperturbed Coulomb energy while an attractive delta function pulls all bound state energies to . Perturbation expansions are discussed and comparisons made with earlier calculations. It is shown that second-order and higher perturbation energies diverge as r00.