Quantum resonances in the valence band of zinc-blende semiconductors. II. Results forp-InSb under uniaxial stress

Quantum resonances in the valence bands of p-type InSb have been measured in a far-infrared resonance (FIR) experiment and interpreted using previously developed theory. Both cyclotron- and combined-resonance spectra were studied under uniaxial stress (parallel to the magnetic field) in the [001] and [111] direction. Since in the FIR experiment the quantum resonances are observed at much higher magnetic fields than by use of microwaves, the experimental arrangement was tested by studying quantum resonances in p-type Ge. Using the band parameters of Hensel and Suzuki the data for this material can be quantitatively explained with a theory that works in the Kane model, thus taking into account exactly the strong coupling between the upper valence band and the lowest conduction band owing to the high magnetic fields. The fundamental transitions in p-type InSb show a peculiar dependence on the strength and direction of the uniaxial stress, which is due to stress-induced k-linear terms. The observed cyclotron and combined resonances are quantitatively explained in the framework of the theory developed previously and a set of band parameters for InSb is derived.