Both striated and smooth muscle are favorable diet factors in producing blood hemoglobin in anemic dogs, the latter in general being somewhat more favorable than the former. Arranged in order of potency as diet factors for hemoglobin production, beef skeletal muscle is lowest; next, beef stomach; a little higher, pig heart, beef heart, pig skeletal muscle, pig uterus; highest, smooth muscle (chicken gizzard). Cooked pig heart muscle, 200-300 gm. daily, averages 20-30 gm. of hemoglobin production per 2 weeks period over controls; cooked pig skeletal muscle, 200-300 gm. daily, shows 10-40 gm.; cooked beef stomach, 200-300 gm. daily, averages 10-20 gm.; cooked pig uterus (pregnant), 200-300 gm. daily, averages almost 40 gm.; cooked chicken gizzard, 200-300 gm. daily, shows 60-100 gm. Dogs kept at anemia level of 1/3 normal for 15 mo. show no abnormalities in red cell production. The red cell and hemoglobin production in the early months are the same as the reaction in the 15th month, provided diet, health, and environmental conditions are uniform.