Reassessment of the Role of Inferior-Vena-Cava Ligation in Venous Thromboembolism

ALTHOUGH ligation of the inferior vena cava for prevention of pulmonary emboli is being performed increasingly often a difference of opinion still exists regarding the choice between inferior-vena-cava ligation, femoral-vein ligation and anticoagulation. In addition, the advisability of inferior-vena-cava ligation in critically ill patients and specifically in symptomatic cardiac patients is open to question.1 , 2 Lastly, the degree of late sequelae that may be expected in the lower extremities after ligation of the inferior vena cava is not completely clear from the existing published reports.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 If one assumes that every pulmonary embolism is potentially fatal the choice of therapy for . . .