Bradykinin Production and Increased Pulmonary Endothelial Permeability during Acute Respiratory Failure in Unanesthetized Sheep

To investigate mechanisms of pulmonary edema in respiratory failure, we studied unanesthetized sheep with vascular catheters, pleural balloons, and chronic lung lymph fistulas. Animals breathed either a hypercapnic-enriched oxygen (n = 5) or a hypercapnic-hypoxic (n = 5) gas mixture for 2 h. Every 15 min blood gases, pressures, cardiac output, lymph flow (Qlym), plasma and lymph albumin (mol wt, 70,000), IgG (mol wt, 150,000), IgM (mol wt, 900,000), and blood bradykinin concentrations were determined. In both groups, cardiac output and pulmonary arterial pressures increased, whereas left atrial pressures were unchanged. Acidosis alone (arterial pH = 7.16, PaCO2 = 81 mm Hg, PaO2 = 250 mm Hg) resulted in a doubling of lymph flow, a small increase in protein flux, and a decrease in lymph to plasma protein concentration (L/P) ratio for all three proteins. Acidotic-hypoxic animals (arterial pH = 7.16, PaCO2 = 84 mm Hg, PaO2 = 48 mm Hg) tripled Qlym. In these animals the increase in lymphatic flux of albumin, IgG, and IgM was significantly (P < 0.05) greater than that seen in either the acidosis alone group or in animals where left atrial pressures were elevated (n = 5; P < 0.05). Also, their percent increase in flux of the large protein (IgM) was greater than for the small protein (albumin) (P < 0.05). With acidosis alone, only pulmonary arterial bradykinin concentration increased (1.27±0.25 ng/ml SE), whereas acidosis plus hypoxia elevated both pulmonary arterial bradykinin concentrations (4.83±1.14 ng/ml) and aortic bradykinin concentration (2.74±0.78 ng/ml). These studies demonstrate that hypercapnic acidosis stimulates in vivo production of bradykinin. With superimposed hypoxia, and therefore decreased bradykinin degradation, there is an associated sustained rise in Qlym with increased lung permeability to proteins.