Movement of disc and condyle in temporomandibular joints with clicking:An arthrographic and cineradiographic study on autopsy specimens

Arthrography in combination with cineradiography was performed on five temporomandibular joint (TMJ) autopsy specimens with clicking. Clicking was found to be associated with rapid movement of disc and condyle and with a bulge in the condylar path. Clicking and movement in autopsy specimens appeared to be similar to that in patients with TMJ clicking. Four joints demonstrated clicking during protrusion, but this did not occur unless preceded by clicking late during a previous retrusion. In these four joints the disc moved in the opposite direction to the condyle in association with clicking. The findings indicated that the condyle, both at protrusion and retrusion, slipped over the posterior ridge of the disc in association with clicking forming the bulge in the condylar path. In the fifth joint, bulges in the condylar path associated with clicking were registered in the same location both during protrusion and retrusion. In this joint the disc and condyle moved coordinately and were possibly slipping over an obstacle on the temporal articulating surface forming the bulges in association with clicking.