Pools of serotonin in the pineal gland of the mouse: The mammalian pinealocyte as a component of the diffuse neuroendocrine system

Taking into account the specificity and sensitivity of these three complementary methods, previous biochemical data in mammals and ultracytochemical data in submammalian vertebrates, synthesis, storage, catabolism and release of 5-HT in the mouse and hamster pineals are discussed at the cellular level. Different pools of 5-HT are present: agranular and granular in pinealocytes and sympathetic nerve endings; agranular in interstitial cells. In the mouse, only a small portion of the total 5-HT content appears to be secondarily taken up by the DCV. Within the DCV, 5-HT is possibly bound to a protein secretion of unknown significance (peptidergic neurohormone?). In the pinealocytes, which are sensitive to a large variety of inputs, processes of indole and protein secretion are found. These cells apparently are the recepto-secretory elements of the mammalian pineal gland. They can thus be classified as a member of the diffuse neuroendocrine system of the paraneuron group.