Very low density lipoprotein binding to cultured aortic endothelium

Because of very low density lipoprotein's (VLDL) potential atherogenicity and the demonstration that VLDL can bind to other cells, we examined the interaction of human VLDL with cultured porcine aortic endothelium. The lipoprotein–cell interaction had many properties similar to those seen with the binding of a ligand to a cell surface receptor. It was time and temperature dependent, saturable, and reversible. Scatchard analysis of competition data suggested that there may be more than one class of binding site. The affinity of the low affinity site was similar to that for low density lipoprotein (LDL). Also, the capacity of endothelial cells to bind VLDL was similar to that for LDL, when related to apo B (i.e., particle) concentration. Not only was unlabelled VLDL able to compete for VLDL binding sites, but so was LDL and high density lipoprotein (HDL). The maximal competition either by LDL or by HDL was less than that by VLDL. The maximal competition by HDL was more than by LDL. The VLDL binding was dependent on Ca2+. It was not changed by the content of lipoprotein in the medium in which cells were grown prior to the binding studies. These observations suggest that VLDL binding to endothelial cells is similar in some respects, but not in all, to the binding of LDL. Comparison of the data with endothelial cells to previous data with adipocytes also indicated differences between the interaction of these two cell types with VLDL. It is possible that this binding process may be involved in the formation of atherogenic remnants of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins on the endothelial surface of large blood vessels.