Pancreatic islets were isolated by collagenase digest from normal (+/+) and severely diabetic (db/db) mice of the C57BL/Ks strain. Batches of islets from the diabetic mice were incubated for 1 h at 37 °C in Krebs-Ringer medium containing glucose (3 mmol/l), with or without mouse insulin (50 mU/l), before perifusion. When compared with untreated islets from the same digest, pre-incubation of islets from diabetic mice with insulin elicited a restoration of the biphasic insulin response to a glucose challenge which was indistinguishable from the response of the untreated, control islets from non-diabetic mice. Untreated diabetic islets showed no insulin response to glucose challenge, insulin values being very significantly lower than those of either non-diabetic or treated diabetic mouse islets (p=<0.005). The restoration of secretion in treated islets of diabetic mice was shown not to be an artefact. These observations provide evidence for a direct, as yet undefined, action of insulin on the β cell of the diabetic mouse.