Specific heat ofA15Nb3Sn in fields to 18 tesla

For the first time, the low-temperature specific heat of A15 Nb3Sn has been measured in a magnetic field (18 T) high enough to significantly suppress the superconducting transition temperature, Tc. All previous extrapolations to T=0 of the normal-state specific heat, Cn, to determine γ and N(0) are shown by the measured Cn data to be incorrect. The Debye temperature, ΘD, has previously been assumed to vary smoothly with temperature from its low-temperature value [ΘD (T<4 K)=208 K] to its higher-temperature value [ΘD(T>Tc)=270 K]. The high-field measurement of ΘD(T) shows that it remains constant upon cooling until 11 K, where it abruptly changes to its low-temperature value. The rather short extrapolation of the high-field normal-state data to T=0 from T>Tc (18 T) yields a γ of 35±3 mJ/mole K2 compared to the previously accepted value of 52 mJ/mole K2. Using this lower value for γ, and taking γ=1.75 from tunneling results, implies N(0)=1.35±0.1 states/eV atom, in excellent agreement with recent band-structure calculations of Klein et al. who obtained 1.46 states/eV atom for A15 Nb3Sn. The present work calls into question all other extrapolations of Cn data in high-Tc materials where ΘD is known to change significantly between Tc and 0 K, e.g., A15 V3Si.