X and Y relay cells in cat lateral geniculate nucleus: quantitative analysis of receptive-field properties and classification

Relay cells in laminae A and A1 of the cat lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) can be classified as X- or Y-cells. A group of LGN relay cells appearing to show properties intermediate to those of X- and Y-cells (IM-cells) was reported. The receptive-field organization of X-, IM- and Y-cells and the results of a multivariate analysis used to study the classification of these relay cells in the cat LGN are described. The receptive-field properties of 135 LGN relay cells were studied in cats paralyzed and anesthetized with N2O/O2 (70/30%). A new technique, the spatio-temporal map (S-T map), was developed. This technique provides a visualization of the temporal pattern of a cell''s response to a small spot flashed on and off in 50 successive overlapping positions across the receptive field. A second technique using a centrally located flashing spot of increasing diameter has been employed to examine the inhibitory effect of the surrounding region on the response of the cell. Using these 2 techniques on the same cells in the LGN, the receptive fields of X- and IM-cells show a classical center-surround organization. The receptive fields of Y-cells are composed of 3 regions: 1 central region of center-type response surrounded by a region of mixed center-type and surround-type responses and, more peripherally, by a region of surround-type response that shows an inhibitory effect on the center response. The inhibitory strength of the surrounding region is stronger for X-cells than for IM-cells, and stronger for IM-cells than for Y-cells. Although they share the same receptive-field organization as X-cells, IM-cells have larger center sizes and weaker surrounds, and thus respond better to large targets rapidly moved across their receptive fields and to large spots flashed on and off in their receptive fields. The linearity of response was studied in X-, IM- and Y-cells using a contrast-reversal pattern. X- and IM-cells exhibited linear summation within their receptive fields, whereas Y-cells did not. A multivariate-analysis technique was applied to the quantified measures obtained on X-, IM- and Y-cells. IM-cells are, in fact, members of the X-cell class, IM-cells being X-cells that have larger receptive-field centers and weaker inhibitory surrounds. Y-cells constitute a separate cell class that does not appear to be a continuum of properties between the X and Y classes. Parallel X and Y channels transmit information from the retina through the lateral geniculate nucleus to the visual cortex.