Several species of tsetse fly within the Morsitans and Fusca subgenera of Glossina contain supernumerary (B) chromosomes. Previous studies on the meiotic behaviour of chromosomes (Southern and Pell, 1973) and the C-band patterns (Jordan et al., 1977) have indicated a close similarity between the Y chromosome and the supernumeraries. The distributions of the highly abundant families of DNA (satellite DNAs) between the autosomes, sex chromosomes and B chromosomes of G.m. morsitans, G. austeni and G. pallidipes have been examined by in situ hybridisation. In addition, the organisation and sequence homologies of satellite DNAs have been examined by restriction enzymes and heterologous hybridisations in in situ and “Southern” transfer conditions. The majority of satellite sequences that are homologous between species are distributed in several different arrangements between A and B chromosome telomeres with minority sequences at some centromeric and intercalary locations. There is no extensive satellite DNA similarity between the Y and B chromosomes. We suggest that the Y and B chromosome associations and synchronous allocycly during meiosis are the result of extensive heterochromatinisation of these two chromosome types, that is probably a reflection of two separate stages involved in the generation of the B chromosomes in the genus. The independent evolution of satellites and supernumeraries is discussed.