Surface markers and functional properties of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma cells in relation to histology

Cells from 32 adult patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma were studied with respect to surface markers and functional properties in short-term culture. Twenty-six lymphomas were of B-cell origin, including all nodular and diffuse lymphocytic lymphomas. Three tumors were of T-cell origin (one histiocytic lymphoma and two undifferentiated lymphomas). In the remaining three cases (histiocytic lymphomas) the immunological nature of the tumor cells could not be determined. All reactivity to mitogenic stimuli of cells from B-cell lymphomas was due to residual normal T cells. In follicular lymphocytic lymphomas more reactive T cells prevailed among the malignant B cells than in diffuse lymphocytic lymphomas. Heterogeneity among B-cell lymphomas was indicated by differences in intensity of fluorescence with anti-Ig reagents and in stimulatory capacity in mixed lymphocyte culture. T-cell lymphomas were characterized by high percentages of T cells together with impaired responses to stimuli. The results of immunological studies correlated well with the histological classifications of Rappaport, Lukes and Lennert. Cancer 42:1804–1817, 1978.