The Kistiakowsky‐Wilson equation of state, pVg = RT(1+xeβx), where x = k/Vg(T+θ)α, for the gaseous detonation products of solid explosives has been re‐examined in the light of new experimental data on detonation pressure and on the variation of detonation velocity D with loading density ρ0 for several RDX/TNT mixtures. The value β = 0.30 used in the past is too high to match the observed slopes of the D—ρ0 curves. The old value α = 0.25 is too small to match the experimental Chapman‐Jouguet pressure of most of these explosives, but too large to match the pressure of pure TNT. A suitable compromise for the explosives considered is α = 0.5, β = 0.09, θ = 400°K.