The distribution, general habits, morphological variation, food, associates and predators ‘Of the common endemic New Zealand echiooid Evechinus chloroticus (Val.) are considered. Evechinus chloroticus is chiefly a rocky bottom dweller but adults, juveniles and very small individuals often occupy different microhabitats. The urchin is typically found in shallow subtidal situations (2. Spine length, thickness and sharpness and test thickness vary between populations but no significant variation in test shape (height/diameter) was observed. Variations in spination are probably related to wave exposure while test thickness is at least in part related to nutrition. In the localities where macroscopic algae are diverse and abundant, Evechinus is almost exclusively algivorous, but it predominantly browses material from the substrate where algae are sparse. The rhabdocoele, Syndesmis sp. (in the gut) and various tiliates (in the gut and gonad) were commonly found in Evechinus. The urchin provides shelter and food for the clingfish Dellichthys morelandi, and the isopod Exosphaeroma sp. is probably also a close associate. Known predators include the cymaitiid gastropods Charonia capax and C. rubicunda, the seastar Coscinasterias calamaria, and the blue cod Parapercichthys colias and snapper Chrysophrys auratus.