Measurement of the magnetic dipole moment ofβ-emittingS31by use of a polarized proton beam and nuclear magnetic resonance detection

Polarized β-emitting S31 nuclei (Iπ=12+, T12=2.6 s) were produced in the reaction P31(p,n)S31 Ep=7.9 MeV, in a thick target of red phosphorous which served also as host for the implanted S31 nuclei. The net polarization transferred to the S31 nuclei, observed by measuring the β-decay asymmetry, was antiparallel to the proton polarization for direct ground-state production and parallel for production through the first excited state. The magnetic dipole moment of S31, measured by nuclear-magnetic-resonance destruction of the polarization, is |μ|=[0.487 93(8)]μN, including the diamagnetic correction.