E1andE2strength inMg24andMg26observed inα-capture reactions

Excitation functions and angular distributions of the reactions Ne20,22(α, γ0) were used to study the distribution of E2 strength in the energy regions 14-22 MeV of Mg24,26, as well as to probe the importance of isospin in the decay of the E1 giant resonance in these nuclei. It was found that the E2 strength in the (γ, α0) channel is rather uniformly distributed and accounts for about 10% of the energy weighted sum rule in each nucleus. Together with the E2 strength observed in lower resonances, about 45% of the sum rule is accounted for. No evidence for a compact E2 resonance is found. A comparison of the E1 distribution and total strength in the (γ, α0) channel of the giant dipole resonances in Mg24,26 indicates that isospin conservation may be important in these reactions. Information was also obtained on the reactions Ne20,22(α, γ1).