FeIII Reduction in Cell Walls of Soybean Roots

Reduction of FeIIIEDTA by excised roots of soybean seedlings (Glycine max L.) is stimulated by l-malate in the bathing solution. Reduction occurs much more rapidly with roots of seedlings grown in the absence of iron than with roots of seedlings grown with iron. Cell-wall preparations from these roots catalyze reduction of FeIIIEDTA by NADH. They also contain NAD+-dependent l-malate dehydrogenase. Enzymic activity of the cell-wall preparations is not affected by previous iron nutrition of the plants, but the amount of l-malate in the roots is increased when seedlings have been deprived of iron. We propose that reduction of iron before absorption by soybean roots occurs in the cell-wall space, with l-malate secreted from the roots serving as the source of electrons. Part of the iron reductase activity of the cell walls can be solubilized by extraction with 1 molar NaCl. The enzyme has been partially purified.