The chemistry of heteroarylphosphorus compounds. Part II. The importance of inductive effects on pre-equilibria in the alkaline hydrolysis of heteroarylphosphonium salts; phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance studies

The alkaline hydrolysis of the heteroarylphosphonium salts, tri-(2-furyl)methylphosphonium iodide (III; R = Me, X = I) and benzyltri-(2-furyl)phosphonium bromide (III; R = PhCH2, X = Br) results in cleavage of a phosphorus–furan bond to produce di-(2-furyl)methylphosphine oxide (IV; R = Me) and benzyldi-(2-furyl)phosphine oxide (IV; R = PhCH2), respectively. Preliminary rate studies show that these reactions proceed ca. 102—103 times faster than the hydrolysis of the corresponding tri-(2-thienyl)phosphonium salts, which have been shown previously to undergo hydrolysis ca. 108 times faster than the phenyl analogues. The greater rate of hydrolysis of the heteroarylphosphonium salts compared to the phenyl analogues is attributed to the greater electron-withdrawing character of the heteroaryl substituent, which increases from 2-thienyl to 2-furyl. Evidence for this has been adduced from a comparison of pKa data for the analogous carboxylic acids, and also from a study of 31P n.m.r. chemical shifts of the phosphonium salts and a related series of phosphonate esters. The electron-withdrawing heterocyclic ring systems cause increases in the equilibrium constants of the pre-equilibria involved in the hydrolysis reactions; in addition, the heteroaryl carbanions eliminated in the rate-determining step are more stable than the phenyl carbanion. The question of 3d orbital stabilisation of the 2-thienyl carbanion is discussed. The equilibria between a series of phosphonium salts (V) and methoxide ion, in absolute methanol, to form the methoxyphosphoranes (VI) have been studied by 31P n.m.r. techniques. The position of equilibrium has been shown to depend on the electron-withdrawing character of the groups attached to phosphorus.