N15(p, t)N13andN15(p, He3)C13Reactions and the Spectroscopy of Levels in Mass 13

A 43.7-MeV proton beam has been used to induce (p, t) and (p,He3) reactions on a N15 target. Transitions to mirror final states of N13 and C13 have been investigated over 15 MeV of excitation and several new spin and parity assignments have been made. The distorted-wave Born-approximation (DWBA) predictions of angular distributions for these N15(p, t)N13 and N15(p, He3)C13 reactions, using intermediate-coupling wave functions to obtain the two-nucleon structure factors, were generally found to reproduce experiment well; in addition, calculated cross sections for the N15(p, t)N13 reaction were in good agreement with the experimental values.