Effects of albumin on the phagocytosis of polysterene spherules by rabbit polymorphonuclear leucocytes

Polystyrene latex spherules are rapidly phagocytized by polymorphonuclear leucocytes. Surface modifications of the latex spherules can lead to an inhibition of phagocytosis, and the purpose of this study was to analyse in particular inhibition by bovine and human serum albumin. It can be shown that albumin is bound much more strongly by the PSL particle surface than by the cell surface. Furthermore, a correlation was established between the extent to which the particle surface is covered and the extent of phagocytosis inhibition. In the binding of albumin to the particle surface ionic as well as hydrophobic interactions play a role. As a result, the particle acquires a negatively charged hydrophilic coating which effectively diminishes the number of effective cell-particle collisions leading to engulfment.