Immunoperoxidase technique and light microscopy have been used to localize neurosecretory systems for vasopressin, oxytocin and related neurophysins (neurohypophysial peptides)) and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (Gn-RH) in the rhesus monkey brain. All the neurohypophysial peptides were found in the magnocellular nuclei (suproptic and paraventricular) of the hypothalamus and in their projections to the posterior pituitary gland, the zona externa of the median eminence and the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis (OVLT). Gn-RH was found in smaller cell bodies which were widely scattered in the hypothalamus. Some of these were found in the media-basal hypothalamus in the infundibular nucleus and lateral and dorsal to it, while others were found in dorsal hypothalamus. Numerous cells were also located in the preoptic area close to the OLVT. Gn-RH-containing fibers projected to the OVLT and the zona externa of the median eminence. The two neurosecretory systems studied have two common features: magnocellular perikarya containing the neurohypophysial peptides and smaller elements containing Gn-RH are found near and appear to terminate around the fine vessels of the OVLT. In addition, cells of both systems send fibers to the hypophysial portal capillary system in the zona externa of the median eminence. Many more vasopressin-than oxytocin-containing fibers end in the entire expanse of the zona externa, where they are mainly concentrated in the anterior and middle parts, while Gn-RH fibers project to all portions.