Ringed Hair (Pili Annulati). Presented by Dr. Fletcher Hall. A 23-year-old white housewife stated that a little over a year ago, during first pregnancy, she first noticed peculiar transverse bands visible on the hairs comprising her bangs. She thinks this remained localized to this area until her second pregnancy (which ended a couple of months ago), when the same abnormality was noted all over the scalp. No familial history. On examination, the scalp hairs are almost uniformly involved, with very narrow transverse bands without visible variation in diameter. The hair is generally blonde and the bands appear slightly darker. Microscopically the diameter of the hairs examined is uniform, but the very center shows segmented dark streaks. The scalp shows a moderate amount of dandruff but nothing suggesting hyperkeratosis pilaris. The face shows a moderate degree of scarring from acne and a few scattered inflammatory papules. Microscopically, the medullary canals