Comparison of Lymphocyte Transformation, Inhibition of Macrophage Migration and Skin Tests Using Dialyzable and Nondialyzable Tuberculin Fractions from Mycobacterium Bovis (BCG)

Nondialyzable and dialyzable fractions prepared from BCG culture filtrates were compared in in vitro and in vivo tests for delayed hypersensitivity. With the non-dialyzable fractions in vivo lymphocyte transformation did not correlate with in vitro inhibition of macrophage migration or skin reactivity. The degree of lymphocyte transformation was correlated with the protein content of the fractions. A carbohydrate-rich fraction did not induce lymphocyte transformation but did induce skin reactivity and inhibition of macrophage migration. Activity of the dialyzable fractions in each of the three tests was dependent on molecular size.