It is shown that paramagnetic impurities can induce nuclear spin diffusion in nonconducting solids. The component of the impurity spin along the external magnetic field (assumed to be the z axis), because of its interaction with the lattice, fluctuates. The resulting spectral intensity of the magnetic moment has components at all frequencies. The component at zero frequency creates a static magnetic field which is different at two neighboring nuclei, thereby splitting the levels |12,12 and |12,12, where the first and second quantum numbers refer, respectively, to the z components of two neighboring spins. These are exact two-spin eigenfunctions if the interaction of the nuclear spins is neglected. When this is taken into account, the correct eigenfunctions to first order are ψ1=|12,12+ε|12,12 and ψ2=|12,12ε|12,12, where ε is a small number. The Fourier component of the impurity spin at the frequency corresponding to the energy difference of ψ1 and ψ2 causes transitions between these states. This is a spin-diffusion process because ε is small. This means that Bloembergen's differential equation for nuclear spin-lattice relaxation in nonconducting solids must be generalized to include nuclear spin diffusion inside the critical radius.