Zeeman Effects in the Chlorine Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance in Sodium Chlorate

The Zeeman splitting of Cl35 nuclear quadrupole resonance lines in a single crystal of sodium chlorate has been studied in a magnetic field sufficiently large to permit detailed investigation of individual Zeeman components for various orientations of the crystal in the applied magnetic field. The observed patterns are in agreement with theoretical predictions based on a Hamiltonian involving an interaction of the nuclear electric quadrupole moment with a crystalline field having axial symmetry and the interaction of the nuclear magnetic moment with the applied magnetic field. The quadrupole interaction term e2Qq was found to be 58.806±0.002 Mc/sec and the effective nuclear magnetic moment was found to be 0.8215±0.0001 nuclear magnetons. An upper limit for the electric asymmetry parameter η was found to be 0.0012. The intensity variations of individual Zeeman components for different orientations of the crystal relative to the magnetic field were studied. The line width of individual Zeeman components was of the order of 900 cps.