EPR investigations of intermediate Jahn-Teller coupling effects forCu2+in MgO and CaO

The electron-paramagnetic-resonance (EPR) spectra of divalent copper in CaO and MgO single crystals have been observed at 1.2 and 77 K. Although the basic characteristics of the low-temperature (1.2 K) Cu2+ spectra in these hosts were somewhat similar to those resulting from a dynamic Jahn-Teller effect, significant deviations in the line shapes and angular variations were found. For CaO:Cu2+, the angular variations in the {110} and {001} planes due to both the Zeeman and hyperfine interactions were fully consistent with the properties of a E2 vibronic ground state with appreciable random-strain coupling to an excited A1 vibronic singlet (i.e., an intermediate Jahn-Teller effect). A numerical diagonalization of the matrix of random strain and tunneling within the A1 and E2 manifold was performed for various ratios of average random-strain splitting δ¯ to tunneling splitting 3Γ and the corresponding EPR spectra were computed. The calculated line shapes and angular variations were then compared with the experimental results. For Cu2+ in CaO, a value of δ¯3Γ=0.67 was obtained; and this value together with the effective spin-Hamiltonian parameters for the isolated E2 state describes both the complete angular variation and the details of the asymmetric line shapes found for H[111]. From this value of δ¯3Γ and a recently published value for 3Γ, we find that δ¯=2.7 cm1 for CaO:Cu2+. In contrast to the CaO:Cu2+ results, the MgO:Cu2+ EPR spectrum exhibited the effects of random-strain coupling to an excited A2 vibronic singlet. Although a value of δ¯3Γ could be determined which described the angular variation of the Zeeman interaction, the angular dependence of the hyperfine structure and...